Ethical Hacking Study Journal: Introduction

Taking Computer Science, I have been interested in computer security. I have always thought it would be cool since I watched Mr. Robot thinking I want to do that in the future. I honestly had no idea what I would be up against.

Taking Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing, I realized that it is not as easy as I thought it would be. I had to install VirtualBox to run KaliLinux. Then there were many things that were introduced in the first week I was flabbergasted. It really opened up my eyes.

The first week was more of an Intro so Mr. Lim told us a lot about his experience in the security world and his thoughts and opinions about it.

We talked about some of the terms already on the first week. We talked about who ethical hackers really are.

Hacker usually have a negative connotation to it, but there is no greater word that can describe what a hacker do other than hacker! And so, the term ethical hacker exists. The difference? One hacks unethically and one hacks ethically. Simple, no? Here are the terms we discussed:

Ethical Hackers: employed by companies to do penetration tests.

Penetration Testlegal attempt to break into a company’s network to find its weakest link. Tester only report findings

Security TestMore than only break into system; also includes analyzing company’s security and procedure. The tester offers solution to protect or secure the network.

Hackerssomeone that access computer system or network without authorization/permission

Crackersbreak into system to steal or destroy data

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