Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction Final Project Proposal: SHAPE MATCH

Hi everyone! For the first half of my third semester in Binus International, I took Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction course. People involved in this project are Mikha Putri Yupikha (2001585575) and myself (2001586344).

For our final project, we were assigned to make a game for children. We decided to make a game where users will find shapes that matches the question. We named the game SHAPE MATCH. Our game is designed for children who are of Kindergarten education level currently studying shapes and color. The game was made using Construct 2.


When starting the game, the users will be introduced to Mr. Circle and it is the users goal to help Mr. Circle travel from land to outer space. In order to do that, users will have to go through 2 stages which involves finding a match of shape.

The first stage is land. Here, Mr. Circle will show a shape and the user will have to find a match with the same shape and color. When the user succeeds, the game progresses. Mr. Circle will fly on a plane and the second stage will start.

The second stage is sky. Mr. Circle will show one side of a shape that has been vertically divided into half. The user will have to find the complimenting half of that shape. The shapes will be brought by the birds and the birds will fly around, so users will be trained to be able to focus and think fast. When the user succeeds, Mr. Circle will fly in a rocket to space and the game is over. The user won.

For both stages, users are only allowed to make mistakes 3 times. When the mistake  counter exceeds that, users would have failed the game and have to restart from the beginning.

Since the game is for young children, we considered about how the game would look. We took time to find colorful and interesting background online. We also look for childish, happy songs for the background music.

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